The FBI’s leaky case against Ivins

Posted by Marc Hodak on August 6, 2008 under Scandal | Comments are off for this article

Ivin’s suicide has been viewed from two distinct perspectives. The government stenographers posing as a free press, dutifully typing up the selected FBI leaks provided by their sources would have us all breathing a sigh of relief; the FBI cracked this case, and saved us from the domestic terrorist. The inquisitive, skeptical press would have us reserve judgment, which is what civilized people do, even if the government hadn’t given us every possible reason to be skeptical of their claims.

The FBI says they will release the evidence shortly. I’ll believe it when I see it. Or not.

Update: WaPo is finally allowing some expression of skepticism. Touch a hot stove enough times, you start to get the idea, I guess.

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