Some people just KNOW

Posted by Marc Hodak on September 27, 2007 under Revealed preference | 2 Comments to Read

This from a public official:

I firmly believe and am confident of the fact that had it not been for the direct intervention of the Lord Jesus Christ last Thursday, a disaster would have happened. You can quote me on that.

This is the Jena, Louisiana DA’s explanation of why the protests against his arguably selective prosecution of black youths remained peaceful.

The DA and his supporters were trying to make the case that he is not a racist. I don’t know. And given what I know about how the press covers such things, I’m inclined not to believe that the DA is channeling old George Wallace. But that defense becomes a bit strained when this DA has looked out on the massive protests against his prosecution

and concluded that peace was maintained only because Jesus put his calming white hand upon their black hearts. What else could it be? I mean, is it conceivable that a large black group could have possibly maintained peace on their own?

  • shawn said,

    …and when you say “his calming white hand”, you mean “his calming middle eastern hand”.

    jus’ sayin’, is all.

  • Nick said,

    Are you saying that a Louisiana DA wouldn’t think of himself as a Semite?