Congress: Give these poor girls a chance!

Posted by Marc Hodak on June 18, 2008 under Revealed preference | Comments are off for this article

Bachelor congressman Anthony Weiner (D-NY) is prompting all manner of innuendo from his proposal to give fashion models a special visa category. The editors must have worked into the night to craft this line:

Weiner introduced his proposal in the House late last year which has not yet been scheduled for a vote, though it was recently referred to the Committee of the Whole, where less rigid rules allow bills to be passed quicker.

Now, I’m actually in favor of this proposal for other than the obvious reasons. Weiner argues seductively for opening up our borders to enjoy the bountiful fruits of commerce. But why is that logic limited to fashion models, and not scientists and entrepreneurs, even if they don’t look quite so.

HT: Reason

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