A prostitutes’ convention

Posted by Marc Hodak on August 22, 2008 under Scandal | Read the First Comment

ABC News has finally noticed that the political conventions in Denver and Minneapolis will attract a large amount of prostitution.

Typical for the MSM, they get story all wrong. ABC appears to be implying that politicos draw sex workers in unusual numbers, but that was belied way down in the article itself–all conventions draw sex workers in proportion to the number of attendees.

What ABC missed, of course, is the irony that sex workers, who are offering an honest exchange of companionship for money, have to pretend to hide what they do (well, sort of). In contrast, politicians who are offering a corrupt exchange of favors for money get to pretend that they’re doing something completely different.

  • Kat said,

    So anyone who would rather vote for a prostitute than a political candidate is really voting for a prostitute by voting for a political candidate. I love it.

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