From one of the only economically literate journalists alive:
John said,
It seems as though we are collectively willing to pay 16.5% of our GDP for insured and government sponsored healthcare. I am trying to fathom how it could possibly be worth it to us. Hasn’t some economist figured out the value of life and therefore life extension? How long and happily would we live with 5%? Can we tell whether this huge expense is worth it to us economically? I seriously think I’d be willing to live without access to health care if I could keep 16.5% more of my earnings to spend in what ever time I would have. Too Bad, Not an option.
John said,
It seems as though we are collectively willing to pay 16.5% of our GDP for insured and government sponsored healthcare. I am trying to fathom how it could possibly be worth it to us. Hasn’t some economist figured out the value of life and therefore life extension? How long and happily would we live with 5%? Can we tell whether this huge expense is worth it to us economically? I seriously think I’d be willing to live without access to health care if I could keep 16.5% more of my earnings to spend in what ever time I would have. Too Bad, Not an option.
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