Balancing Objectivity Against Judgment |

Some adjustments will benefit from the judgment of top management or the board to fully account for the likely economic impact of certain activities.
Judgment can be viewed on a scale:
For example, the EP measure may include a policy regarding litigation liabilities. So, for instance, if the company has a contractual amount owed to it, but the contract is in dispute, they could decide:
- Stick with the accounting, whose rules would require a conservative recovery estimate to be accrued,
- Enable management to propose an estimate based on their lawyers' confidence in prevailing that might provide a better matching of revenues with the period in which it was earned,
- Reverse the accrual, and await the realization of the recovery, in essence making a judgment about eliminating judgment.
- Decide to apply judgment or not on a case-by-case basis for liabilities above a certain threshold.
Thus, policies on the application of judgment should seek to balance preserving good matching, which occasionally requires significant judgment, and objectivity, which implies minimal application of judgment.