Option 2: Proportion of EP
If complete
information is available for an unconsolidated venture, the company can
calculate EP for the venture consistent with the companys own EP
calculation. The ventures equity income would be subtracted from the
business units income. A proportional share of the ventures NOPAT
and Capital would be added back to business unit income and net assets,
respectively. Then, the companys proportion of the ventures
after-tax interest expense must be added back to business unit income
and its proportion of the ventures debt must be added back to
business unit net assets. From our prior example, this adjustment is
illustrated as follows:
Equity $10
A/T Interest*
Capital 35
* Equal to pre-tax interest of 6.0 less 33% tax, which equals 4.0, times
25% proportion of ownership.
Cost of Capital 10%
Capital Charge 3.5
The benefit of
this adjustment is that it more perfectly reflects the value
contribution of the venture to the business unit. If the business unit
has effective managerial control over the joint venture, management may
consider total consolidation of venture NOPAT and Capital into the
business unit's income and net assets.
The drawback to this adjustment is the need to calculate EP and to track its proportion
of income, interest expense, and net assets and to communicate these
items to operating managers who may or may not feel that they have
effective control of the venture.